Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Exchange student from London

My exchange student Jack is coming from London, England to Sydney, Australia for the next three months.

The weather here has recently been great, hot, sunny and humid. However the weather is taking a turn for the worse. During the winter months Jack, the weather turns cool and chilly maybe not as cold as what you may experience in London but it does snow in various places to the south of Sydney. One such place is Thredbo which we will visit during your stay here with us. 
 The weather has been great lately but come winter we will see a dramatic change, cooler winds, cloudy and generally colder climate. As well as a change in temperature conditions there is a change  in other weather conditions such as average rainfall. The average rainfall decreases in the winter time when there are not as many convection currents.

 The rainfall compared to England is mildly more in Sydney in our winter months but not quite as much as in your Summer months. We also have hotter climates in our summer but in our winter it can reach temperatures as low as 5 degrees. Not quite as cold as -5 degrees that you sometimes experience in London.
The further South from Sydney you travel it becomes colder in climate in our case as we travel to Thredbo we are bordering on the NSW and VIC border. It is very cold there constantly falling below freezing point overnight, this is great because it will allow us to go skiing. You will need to bring warm cloths, beanie, gloves, ski goggles, ski boots, thick woolen socks, and a weather proof jacket and tracksuit. Nothing you wouldn't already have because of the cold climate in which you live in. You will need casual clothing on the week ends that we are not attending school, this will include jeans, sweater, shorts, t-shirts nothing out of the ordinary fro you since the weather and climate is roughly the same just not as cold as what it reaches in your home city London.

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