Sunday, March 13, 2011

Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

1. All about the recent natural disaster in Japan:
On Saturday night, 120 kilometers off the coast of Japan a huge earthquake hit. It  was the largest earthquake ever recorded in Japan and 5th largest recorded in the world since the beginning of the 20th century. A sudden uprising in the plates below the ocean caused an uplift in the sea, creating a large and powerful wave to thunder towards Japan. The earthquake was nothing compared to the destruction of the Tsunami. The Tsunami flattened coastal villages and killed many thousands of people. The wave in some areas traveled as far as 5km in shore.
2. Where was the epicenter of the earthquake?
Just off the coast of Honshu, Japan
3. What was the size of the earthquake?
The earthquake was originally thought to be a magnitude of 8.9 but yesterday night has recently been reclassified as a 9.0 earthquake
4. What are some of the areas most effected? 
Coastal villages and towns are reported to have been  devastated and totally swept away.
5. Describe the devastation and include an image.
The destruction of the tsunami and earthquake has been utterly devastating.  It has all infrastructure and will cost the Japanese government billions upon billions of dollars in order to repair and rebuild their nations.
6. Describe the impending man-made disaster: what, where , why?
The impending man made disaster is the melt down of multiple nuclear facilities across the Japanese nation. Radiation from the nuclear facilities can cause mutations, death and total destruction on the surrounding environment 

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