Monday, March 7, 2011

Cavs Geography Homework 1.7

1 Why are so many of Australias plants and animals unique?   
Because Australia has been isolated from the rest of world for over 50 million years      
2. Why have many species in Australia survived for millions of years?        
Because they have learned to adapt to the constantly shifting climate and weather 
3. What does endemic mean?                                                                                                             
Endemic means it can only be found in Australia    
4. What percentage of Australias reptiles is thought to be endemic?
89% of Australias Reptilian species is thought to be endemic
5. Name three areas in Australia with great biodiversity.
Three areas in Australia with great biodiversity include the tropical rain forests of Queensland, The Great Barrier off the Queensland coast, and the Botanical province of Western Australia 
6. Where can the richest insect fauna be found? 
They can be found in the Tropical rain forests of Queensland 
7. What are marsupials? Name an example
A marsupial is a mammal that contains a pouch; an example includes Australia endemic kangaroo 
8. What are monotremes? Name an example.    
A monotreme is a mammal that lays eggs; an example includes the Australian endemic Platypus 
9. What is the difference between a kangaroo and a wallaby?  
There isnt much of a difference between the kangaroo and the wallaby, the difference however lies in the general size of the animal and areas that these creatures can be located.  Kangaroos are generally found on the large open grass lands of Australia while the wallabies range from the national parks of NSW and Queensland to the Blue Mountains and Great Dividing Range.  
10. Write a paragraph describing the duck-billed platypus
The platypus is seemingly a strange genetic adaptation to the Australian climate, it is a mammal/reptile as it lays multiple eggs like a reptile but remains warm blooded like a mammal. It is strange in appearance with a large duck like bill, four webbed feet and a long paddle like tail. It is covered in thick brown fur and has small beady black eyes.                                                                                                                                           

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