Thursday, March 10, 2011

Australian Export and Import

1.Who is Australia's largest export partner?
Australia's largest export partner is China
What products do they export with them?
The main products exported to China are Australia's natural resources retrieved by Australia's large mining Industry, some natural minerals that are exported to China include gold, copper, iron, aluminum, coal etc. We also export large amounts of beef, cotton and wheat.
How much of each product do they export?
Australia exports up to 25 million tonnes of coal each year to China
Australia exports over 4 billion dollars of wheat each year to China
For what purpose does that country need the products they import from Australia?
China needs these natural minerals because their country is not rich like Australia in natural resources and in their growing economy they need plenty of these minerals to continue their growing infrastructure. They also need wheat and cotton because they may not have the right climate in order to grow these  things.

 2. Who is Australia's largest import partner?
Australia's largest import partner is China
What do they import from them?
We import all sorts of stuff like electronics hardware, this includes the production of iPods, printers, computer etc. 
How much do we import from China?
We import 10's of Billions of dollars of electronic hardware from China each year
Why do you think that Australia imports these goods from this country?
Australia imports these goods from China because it is much cheaper and easier to manufacturer these goods in their country  

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