Friday, March 18, 2011

Cavs Geography Homework 1.11

1. Name three non-renewable energy resources.
Oil, coal and uranium.
2. Name three renewable energy resources
hydro electricity, thermo electricity and solar power.
3.  Why is Australia looking to develop clean energy sources?
To reduce green house emissions
4. List the top four coal producers in the world.
China, United States, India and Australia
5. How large are Australia’s coal reserves?
There are proven coal reserves of 76 billion tonnes in Australia enough to last another 200 years
6. How much natural gas does Australia have?
Four billion dollars worth of it each year
7. Describe the solar power plant to be built near Mildura.
It will use advanced technology such as those used to power satellites, where mirrors up to 0.8km long will concentrate on capturing the suns rays and each cell will produce 1,500 times that of an average hose roof top solar panel. 
8. How can electricity be generated by the wind?
The wind rotates a copper turbine that creates electricity
9. Draw a table showing the advantages and disadvantages of
the Starfish Hill wind farm.

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