Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Geography homework 7.1

1 Describe how the settlement pattern of Australia is related to issues in the coastal environment.
- It is directly related in that pressure is put upon coastal environments from different factors such as tourism when new apartments and hotels go up to accomodate them whilst the coastal region is one of the most changing environments on the planet humans go so much extent to ensure their beach houses, rivers/lagoons are there in the long term this is usually achieved with dredging or introduced plants.

2 Why is the sustainable development of the coastline the aim of coastal management strategies?
Sustained development is one of the strategies as in the example of the Murry river silting up a sustained effort of dredging needs to be in place to ensure the river and waterways stay clear.

3 What trend has been labelled ‘sea change’?
It is the movement of people form the large cities to the smaller coastal towns and villages where the lifestyle is more relaxed.

4 Describe one government response to ‘sea change’.
- The Government has in some instances put population caps on some of these towns in a effort to prevent 'sea change'.

5 Select four of the geographical issues facing the coastal environment presented in this unit. For each issue identify the human actions that cause the issue.
1) Introduced plants- humans introduced plants such as the Chrysanthemoides monilifera to stabilise sand dunes and is also used in the process know as sand mining but which has in fact taken over other coastal plant inhabitants.
2) Pollution- Pollution form Urban town is affecting the marine and coastal ecosystems
3) Tourism and recreational pressures- Pressure for development of further accommodation and facilities for tourists which in turn damages the local ecosystem and thus attracts other factors that will damage the coastal areas.
4) Coastal;l rivers and Lagoons- Rivers and lagoons are now prone to silting up witch is in most cases a natural occurance but can also be directly related to human activity.

6 What role do geographers play in developing management solutions to issues in coastal environments?
They play the role of determining the suitability of the developments upon coastal regions

7 Study the inappropriate development image. Select one of the viewpoints below and write a letter to the local paper about the advantages and/or disadvantages of the development.

a) a resident of one of the new developments shown in the picture
"To whom it may concern now about this recent inappropriate development garbage, they say it affect the coastal areas, that's rubbish, these building bring tourism to these areas benefiting communities with the money and popularity it al brings, not to mention you meet many more potential friends. This is good for the community both socially and economically".
b) a long-time local resident of the area who appreciates the coastal views
"Never before have I seen such changes in my community, no longer to the annual dolphin pass our shore or the sardines or tunas, because of these new developments all marine biosphere has since perished, local plant life has also taken much damage through the recent developments. I tell you if something radical doesn't change soon there will be no point in rallying for the protection of the coastal regions as all will have been completely destroyed".

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