Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pg. 113

1 How does drought affect rural communities?
It affects them in that they have trouble with their crop plantations and their livestock.
2 What was a consequence of the soldier settler blocks being sold?
The consequence was that of a steady population decline
3 What three main factors have caused a decline in agriculture?
The collapse of the wool industry, the rising coast of agriculture and the returns they received from agriculture have not kept in pace with the rising coast of agriculture.
4 How has mechanisation contributed to unemployment?
Many jobs can now be more efficiently completed with machinery resulting in machines often taking preference over the working force thus many people lost their jobs because of the industrial movement.
5 How do lifestyle factors and better roads and transport contribute to the decline in small country towns like Gulargambone?
Because  it allows for people to travel to larger communities for better education  and employment options.
6 Give three pieces of evidence of rural decline in Gulargambone.
Through social, environmental and economical factors have contributed to the decline of population in Gulargambone
8 Refer to 4.12. Describe the trend in the population of Gulargambone over the past 50 years.
Population has steadily declined with the occasional increase due to factors such as the soldier resettlement scheme and better transport. 
9 Refer to 4.14. Describe the unusual shape of the population pyramid for Gulargambone. Suggest reasons for this shape.
There are typically more elderly men and more young women with the majority consisting of children between the ages of 0-4 years of age. This could be put down to the new government schemes, with pensions being handed out to woman with new born babies. 
10 Refer to 4.18.
a Describe the trend in the enrolments of Gulargambone Central School over the past 50 years.
The trend is that of a steadily declining enrolments after every year  
b Use all the information in this chapter to explain the trends displayed in this graph.
This can be accounted for things like that of better transportation which allows for the communities to travel further to the larger communities for better education and employment opportunities. 
11 Give an example of one social, economic and environmental factor that has caused change in Gulargambone.
a) a social impact is that of better opportunity's for employment/education elsewhere 
b) an economical impact that of better infrastructural such as roads and other transportation methods
c) an environmental impact is that of drought  

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