Monday, September 12, 2011

Extended Response Questions

Communities do not remain static, but continually experience change. There are many inter connected factors that contribute to the changes and differences between and within communities. In a world that is experiencing rapid globalisation it is important for decision-makers within communities to understand and respond to these changes
Describe the factors causing change in relation to Australia's communities.
Include in your response:

  • the location of a community effected
Wahroonga is located along the Pacific Highway, halfway between Hornsby and Warawee. It is located North of Sydney and is located inland to the East approximately half an hour form the East coast of Sydney in the region known as the North Shore.  
  • the specific characteristics of this community (eg. rural/urban, population, ethnicity, age, any other characteristics that make it a community).
Wahroonga is an urban community, with a population of approximately of 10,000 people. It has a mix race of people with predominantly Caucasian people inhabiting the community. The people living in this community are a mix of all genders and ages with the majority being young children and parents between the ages of 30 and 45.   
  • Description of the factors causing change in your chosen community.
Factors that are rapidly changing the community is that of more units/apartments and town houses being rapidly developed. The number of suburban houses is decreasing and in it's place ugly apartment and units are populating the area throughout Wahroonga changing the beautiful quiet suburban community into something resembling that of Chatswood or neighbouring Hornsby.  
  • Describe the effects of those changes upon your chosen community.
The effect it is having upon the community is that of a change in ethnicity in that the community has an increase in the Asian population and culture. Changes in the roads and general infrastructure has also been felt through having them become much more heavily used. 

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