Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How has Australia changed in my life time?

Physical change:
1) Creation of the Sydney Olympic park
2) More land cleared for agriculture
3) More houses being knocked down for units and apartments to take their place
4) drought
5) Floods

Socio-economic change:
1) economical crisis
2) population growth
3) Depleted surplus
4) More minerals are being exported
5) Value of currency

Cultural change:
1) Population growth
2) Introduction of more immigrants
3) Becoming more so a multi-cultural society
4) Stereotyped views  on Muslims
5) More diverse religious beliefs

Physical change- More houses being knocked down for units and apartments to take their place
We can find out more about this by looking at government statistics or simply taking a stroll along the beach. Fifteen years ago there were very few Apartments/Units and Hotels in comparison to now were most beaches are littered with them. Asking the elderly residents who may have lived on these beaches before all these constructions took place will give an indication as to what changes have taken place and the extent they have had on Australia.
The infrmation I have found has indeed lead to change in Australia through more densly populated communitys coming into effect as the years go by, more surburban houses being knocked down to be replaced with apartments and units and as more of these go up the value of the area decreases.

Socio-economic change- More minerals are being exported to countries who are not rich in natural resources such as India and China. We are one of the largest exporters in the world which creates many more jobs for the increasing population. We can see this by looking at the many thousands of jobs mining has created to see the unemployment rates decrease and also government statistics. Performing interviews with some of it's clients you will be able to understand the enormity it has had on the Austrlian economy through the money it generates but also the jobs it creates.
This has indeed lead to change in Australia as it has lowered unemployment rates by providing much needed jobs as well as making Australia a large and powerful exporter and importer of goods through the minerals we export. This has allowed Australia to become one of the more prosperous countries of the world and through which entices many more immigrants to immigrate to our county in hope of a better life, thus increasing the Autralian population.   

Cultural change- Becoming more so a multi-cultural society, this can be proven by simply looking at government records and surveys. Conducting survey and interviews again will lead you to see how much more so has Australia has become a multicultural society by interviewing the elderly who would have been alive during times when immigration laws were strict and racial laws were still in place.
This has indeed lead to change in Australia as it agian enticies people to immigrate to Australia were culrtural laws are not at all strict again increasing population but also has lead to recent developments of purpose built schools such as Muslim schools, Greek Schools, different religious schools. It has allowed for all people to be open about their different faiths and beliefes as well as their oigins without fearing reprocussions.

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