Monday, February 14, 2011

Cavs Geography Homework 1.2

1 What is the land area of Australia?
Australia’s land mass is 7.7 million square kilometers 
2 What is the area of Australias ocean territory?
It has an ocean territory of 16.1 million square kilometers
3 List the five countries with areas greater than Australia.
Brazil, China, United States, Canada and the Russia Federation
4 How many times could New Zea land fit into Australia?
New Zea land could fit into Australia 25 times
5 How long is Australias coastline?
The Australian coastline is 36,000km in length or 60,000 when all the islands are included
6 Which country has the longest coastline and how long is it?
Canada has the longest coastline stretching 240,000 kilometers long
7 How many external territories does Australia have?
Australia has 7 external territories
8 Which external territory is furthest from Australia?
The furthest external territory is Heard Island 4,000 kilometers off the coast of Perth
9 Why is Australia known as an empty continent?
Because it has one of the lowest population ratios when compared to its immense size
10 Where is Jervis Bay Territory and how many people live there?
Jervis Bay is situated 200 kilometers South of Sydney and has a population total of 611

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