In the early hours of 25th December 1974 Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin
2 What role did the local police and community leaders play in responding to the hazard?They restrored basic order and established evacuations and medical help.
3 What is the National Disaster Organization and why did it become involved in the response to Cyclone Tracy?
It is a federal government organization that specializes in responding to natural disasters. They became involved in the response to Cyclone Tracy because it had severe needs to repair basic services for Darwin.
4 Why do you think the evacuation of Darwin was an essential response to Cyclone Tracy?
Because most people were lacking basic needs such as water and shelter. Sickness and Disease could have also broken out from to contaminated water due to leaking sewage.
5 Calculate the percentage of Darwin’s population that was evacuated in the week following Cyclone Tracy.
Over 80% of Darwin's population was evacuated in the following week.
6 How has Cyclone Tracy better enabled communities to prepare for this type of hazard?
It has better enabled communities to prepare for this type of hazard as it has taught us a valuable lesson on the destructive powers of tropical cyclones and now there are strict building codes when building in any areas prone to tropical cyclones.
7 Where and when did Hurricane Katrina occur? List two impacts of the hurricane on Louisiana.
On 29 August 2005 Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf of Mexico and the state of Louisiana in the United States, it caused major flooding to over 80% of the city of New Orleans and killed over 1400 people.
8 Which geographical feature of New Orleans compounded the effects of Hurricane Katrina?
New Orleans low lying nature.
9 What criticisms were there of the response to Hurricane Katrina?
It took days for food, water and evacuation to be fully implemented.
10 Compare the responses of the NDO to Cyclone Tracy and FEMA to Hurricane Katrina.
The difference between the response to Cyclone Tracy and Hurricane Katrina is that in the case of Cyclone Tracy the NDO within 20 hours of the cyclone hitting had the first helicopter with provisions for the devastated city of Darwin. Within a week the NDO had restored order and basic services to Darwin as well as evacuating over 80% of the population. In the case of the FEMA responding to Hurricane Katrina, they did not have basic food, water and evacuation methods implemented until days after the disaster had struck.