What is a primary source when doing research? What is a secondary source? Which one is better? When do you use these types of sources?
A primary source is any source composed during a particular event and a secondary source is any source composed after a particular event has taken place, often containing a bias. A primary source is often better as it contains a first hand account of the proceedings that took place. You use these types of sources when writing about the history of any event.
What is a primary source for finding population data for Australia? Why?
A government census is a primary source for finding the population data for Australia. It is a primary source because it is taken in the exact time period you may be researching.
What is the population of Australia?
22,638,999 is the approximate population of Australia.
What is the 'growth rate' of Australia for 2010?
Appoximatley one new baby born every 1 minute and 45 seconds with an overall population growth rate of over 1.6%
How many 'new' Australians were there in 2010?
There were 345,500 new Australians
How many of the 'new' Australians were born in Australia and how many are immigrants?
There were approximately 108,100 immigrants new to Australia and and 237,400 babies born in 2010
Which state had the greatest growth in population for 2010?
Western Australia had the largest growth rate in Australia
What changes have you noticed in your area that could be related to growth in population?
The bush area across the road from our house was completely cleared in order to build more houses.
Is it good that Australia's population continues to grow?
Yes it is extremely good that Australia's population continues to grow as it greatly benefits the country's infrastructure, defence force and economical benefits can be obtained from having a larger population.
When, in history, has Australia NEEDED the population to grow? Why? Where did these people come from?
During it's early years when it was first being colonized a large population was required to sustain the economy and the people were generally of European origins.